Strategy Development

Streamline Your Pathway to Impact with Our Strategic Facilitation and Design Thinking Services

Our Approach to Your Success

With the complex problems that characterise life science and healthcare innovation, your success needs to be underpinned by strategic thinking and creative solutions. Our consulting services provide that exact blend of strategic facilitation and design thinking needed to reduce complex problems to simple solutions.

Framing/Reframing the problem

Our process begins by framing/reframing the problems you are working on as an organization or as a consortium. 

“Most of the great breakthroughs in human history have been a result of people thinking differently about the problems, not the solutions” Jess Roberts

Defining Long-term Impact

We then proceed by establishing a clear picture of your long-term impact. We work backward from this vision to clearly define the outcomes and outputs that will drive your forward movement. 

A Wealth of Possibilities 

We encourage ideation, creating a platform for your team and your stakeholders to voice their ideas. Each possibility is then evaluated against the criteria of what would have to be true for it to lead to the desired impact. This ensures that each idea is not only innovative but also rooted in practical applicability. 

Current Trends and Broader Strategies

We keep our fingers on the pulse of life science and healthcare research and innovation, providing recommendations drawn from current trends and broader strategies that have proven successful. This equips you with the knowledge you need to think ahead. 

Clear Picture of Success

For your organization or consortium to achieve its goals, we set forth clear milestones and quantifiable metrics for outputs, outcomes, and impact. This allows you to track progress and make decisions more efficiently.

Strategic facilitation and design thinking

BioSci Consulting an approach to facilitated strategy development that helps avoid group think while leveraging the power of collective thinking to uncover and decide upon the best set of strategies for an organizations current circumstance.

BioSci facilitation process

Alignment on problems: define vision, mission, purpose and values

Defining long term impact – map backward to outcomes then outputs

List possibilities then answer what would have to be true for a possibility to lead to the desired impact

Recommendations based on current trends and broader strategies currently being undertaken

Lean approach to identifying and testing conditions necessary for a possibility to be true.


✅ Neutral facilitator = conflicts become opportunities for gain

✅ Facilitated interaction = enthusiasm and engagement

✅ Collective creativity > identify unforeseen possibilities

✅ Grounded in science

✅ Plan that aims high but delivers via practical steps

✅ Strategy as an integrated set of choices that enables decision making that focuses resources


Our strategic facilitation and design thinking services aim to guide you through the intricate processes of defining your long-term impact and harnessing the power of collective creativity. We provide a roadmap to impact, grounded in science, and tailored to your specific needs.

Choose us as your trusted partner and experience the power of strategic facilitation and design thinking.

When you are ready to leverage the benefits of a stakeholder developed strategy. 

Reasons to engage BioSci’s strategic facilitation and design thinking process.

BioSci Consulting has more than 17 years of experience in more than 60 projects with ambitious goals to change the future of medicine.

By partnering with us, you'll benefit domains from our:

Extensive experience

Comprehensive understanding of the field of translational research

Philosophy of a strategy designer who also engages with the science

Deep understanding of collaborative dynamics

Ability to increase the enthusiasm and engagement of consortium partners and stakeholders

Diverse experience and network that span multiple domains

Approach: Activities delivery and timing

6 Depicted below are the modules and the estimated time required to get to the point where the consortium project is launched and producing early deliveries

Defining possibilities with executive and staff

  • 1:1 meetings followed by group meeting

  • Understand past.

  • Develop list possibilities for strategy

  • Define conditions that would make each possibility a success.

Defining possibilities with board and SAB

  • Series of 1:1 meetings

  • Refine list of possibilities

  • Refine conditions of success

  • Narrow list of

Other stakeholders

  • Interview stakeholders to decide upon possibilities

  • Answer key questions based upon all the input together

Integrated set of choices

  • List of integrated set of choices that defines the strategy

  • Answers to questions as a set of recommendations backed up with interviews and research

  • Vision, mission, purpose and values

Written plan

  • Written plan

  • Organization, who and what skills

  • Pathway to impact with a list of metrics

  • List of strategic initiatives

  • Revenue model

Impact Newsletter

Insights on developing and guiding consortium projects and strategy to achieve meaningful impact.